

Theme Change Log

V 3.2.1

- Enhanced Theme Customize Style.

V 3.2

- Updated Woocommerce files.
- Textarea width issue fied.
- Added RTL css.
- Remove Active Theme from Theme Customize.
- Remove widgets panel from Theme Customize.
- Updated Xml Demo Content. 
- Added Default google font for Boby.
- Added Default google font for Menu.
- Added Default google font for Headings.

V 3.1

- Related Posts Responsive Issue Fixed.
- Footer Responsive  Issue Fixed.

V 3.0

- Added a New Model details options settings.( Now you can create and delete Model   details dynamically)
- Updated Font Family Section In ThemeCustemizr.
- Header Main Slider Responsive Issue Fixed.
- Portfolio Slider Responsive Issue Fixed.
- Mobile NavMenu Alignment Issue Fixed.
-Updated PrettyPhoto JS file.

V 2.9.6

-Updated PrettyPhoto JS file.

V 2.9.5

-Added Product Rating for woocommerce page.

V 2.9.4

- All Page Builder Issues are fixed which are generated By Theme

V 2.9.3

- Fixed bug, Portfolio tags issue
- Updated TGM plugin activation code

V 2.9.2

- Fixed bug, Stop on mouse over for main slider
- Updated Demo xml file.

V 2.9.1

- Custom CSS issue fixed.

V 2.9

- Modified complete "Theme Customizer".	 
- Shifted Menu section to header section panel in customizr
- Shifted accent color section in to Global Settings panel in customizr
- Removed single Portfolio images/videos panel, now you can use page builder
- Added an option to disable old portfolio data in customize > Global settings
- Added an option to disable portfolio single page buttons in customize > Portfolio Section
- Updated woocommerce files.

V 2.8.4

- Fixed Bug : The fluid slider issue fixed.

V 2.8.3

- Fixed Bug : Theme Customizer errors fixed.

version 2.8.2

- Fixed Bug : Woocommerce issues fixed.
- Fixed Bug : Languague translation issues fixed.
- Fixed Bug : Slide Text Color issue fixed under Slider Settings.
- Fixed Bug : Custom Portfolio Item Title, Portfolio Item External link to and
- Open In New Window issues fixed under Portfolio General Options.

V 2.8.1

- Fixed Bug : Kaya slider post Slide link fixed.

V 2.8

- Added Blog Single Page Sidebar under Blog Page Section in Theme Customize.
- Remove Sidebar option from Portfolio Posts.
- Added Disable Post Link Icon under Portfolio Category Settings in Theme

V 2.7

- Woocommerce pages re-designed from scratch.
- Image lightbox changed from fancy box to pretty box.

V 2.6.3

- Fixed Bug : Portfolio single page slider jumping issue fixed.

V 2.6.2

- Fixed Bug : gallery thumb small size fixed.

V 2.6.1

- Fixed Bug : Dropcap border line in footer issue fixed.
- Fixed Bug : Tab Items CPT Category Display issue fixed.

V 2.6

- Added New Feature : Complete theme options removed and added all options in theme customizer.
- Added New Feature : Portfolio Video Selection options removed and added embed code text area.
- Added New Feature : Show/hide Header Shop cart item links added in customizer.
- Added New Feature : Portfolio Related Post height control added in customizer.
- Added New Feature : Portfolio Category page layout options added in customizer, like thumbnail height, Title BG color, text color etc.
- Added New Feature : Added Sidebar Generator in "Appearance"
- Fixed Bug: Google font support for Latin & Cyrillic.
- Fixed Bug: Default font as a "Google font" removed and added System font Arial.
- Added New Feature:  Oder Attribute for Toggle Tabs, Kaya Slider.

V 2.5.3

- Added New Feature : Portfolio slug name can be controlled from theme option settings.
- Fixed Bug: Tab Items Naming structur finetuned.
- Fixed Bug: Portfolio & Blog sinlge page slider jumping issue fixed.

V 2.5.2

- Fixed Bug: Pages title issue fixed for archive, author, category and tags pages.
- Fixed Bug: Portfolio single page slider css styl fixed.

V 2.5.1

- Fixed Bug: Most footer bottom section short-code support issue
- Fixed Bug: Portfolio sinlge page project images order issue fixed.

V 2.5

- Fixed Bug: Header Right section short-code support issue
- Fixed Bug: Metabox error when use php version lower than 5.3.

V 2.4

- Fixed Bug: Text disappear in chrome issue fixed.
- Added New Feature: Add new widgets, Tabs, Toggle and Accordion
- Added New Feature: Add new widgets info boxes.

V 2.3.4

- Fixed Bug: Portfolio full width single page blank issue fixed.

V 2.3.3

- Fixed Bug: WooCommerce Product category title display error
- Fixed Bug: Footer menu styling issue fixed.
- Fixed Bug: WooCommerce List items bullet issue fixed.

V 2.3.1

- Fixed Bug: Adding images without page refresh
- Fixed Bug: wp_style_add_data() issue fixed.

V 2.3

- New Feature : WooCommerce Support.

V 2.2

- New Feature : Added an option to add menu bar background color
- New Feature : Added an option to add footer top and bottom background color.

V 2.1

- Fixed Bug: image box widget when image width is more than div
- Fixed Bug: list items in footer widget container.
- Fixed Bug: few minor css issue fixed and fine tuned.

Plugin Change Log

V 1.9.4 –16th May – 2015

- Added "Image Overlay Text Widget".

V 1.9.3 –12th May – 2015

- Added an option to increase title font size in Image Box.
- Added Extra fields to Custom Title Widget.
- Footer Dropcap title issue fixed.
- Image Box Overlapping Issue Fixed.
- Iconbox position alignnone padding issue fixed.
- Icon Box Description Alignment Issue Fixed.

V 1.9.2 –2nd April – 2015

- Added an option to add Title background and text color for Portfolio widget
- Added an option to add Title background and text color for Portfolio slider widget.
- Removed option to add Title bg and text color from accent color from customizr.

V 1.9.1 –25th March – 2015

- Added New featured to add Title BG and Text color for "Portfolio Slider" widget.

V 1.9 –6th March – 2015

- Added "Lavan Icon Box Widget" 
- Added "Lavan Images Gallery Widget" 
- Improved widgets styling when placed in sidebar
- Improved widget styling
- Improved Button widget
- Updated owl carousel js file
- Added widget animation for all widgets
- Removed color text filed and added color picker for all widgets
- Panel-row-style padding top and padding bottom issue fixed.

V 1.8.2 –21st OCtober- 2014

- Fixed Bug : Custom link issue fixed for main slider and draggable slider.

V 1.8.1 –30th September- 2014

- Fixed Bug : Major Language translation issues fixed.

V 1.7 – 4th June- 2014

- Fixed bug: Translation issue fixed.

V 1.6 – 24th May- 2014

- Fixed bug: Portfolio filtering issue fixed.
- Fixed Bug : Lavan-Image Box issue Upload into media librayy issue fixed. 
- Fixed bug: Kaya slider issue when there is no categories exist in Kaya slider CPT.
- Fixed bug: Toggle Tabs issue when there is no category existin in Tab Items CPT.
- Fixed bug: Date format issue fixed.
- Fixed bug: Dropca hover transition issue fixed.
- Fixed bug: Lavan-List Items widget issue when there is no bullet image icon.

V 1.5 – 22nd May- 2014

- Fixed bug: Post items display from Multiple categories in "Lavan-Portfolio (PB)", "Lavan-Portfolio Slider (PB)", "Lavan-Slider(PB)", "Lavan-Recent News(PB)" and  "Lavan-Recent Blog Posts(PB)".
- Fixed bug: Dropcap hyper link shifted to Titles.
- Added New Feature: Removed Contact Page template and added "Lavan-Contact Form" Widget.
- Added New Feature: Removed "Blog Page" template and added "Lavan-Blog" Widget added.
- Added New Feature: "Lavan-Button" alignments Left / Right / Center.

V 1.4 –3rd May- 2014

- Fixed Bug: Portfolio fluid width style issue fixed.

V 1.2 –20th April- 2014

- Fixed Bug: Video BG Promo box issue fixed.

V 1.1 –20th March – 2014

- Fixed Bug: Recent Blog Post order issue
- Fixed Bug: Recent News Order issue.